Friday, September 17, 2010

052:365: Sam's Gift

My cousin, Sam, gave this cookie jar to Joe and I for our wedding over six years ago. He was so pleased to be giving us a gift that he picked out himself and was so sure that we would love it that we both couldn't help but fall in line. Tonight, it's filled with tasty vegan cookies I made because I'm cutting out dairy in the hopes that it will help to solve my infant son's reflux.

I also used a couple of tricks from the photography book Joe bought me. I used the timer and a makeshift tripod to try to get a really crisp image. I did change the levels on this photo in Photoshop because the white balance on the camera just doesn't seem to work out right for the lighting in our kitchen. Joe tells me that there is a way to set a custom white balance on the camera, so that's the next thing I have to figure out.


  1. I tried doing the custom white balance but couldn't figure it out. I'm gonna have to check the manual b/c my kitchen light always looks yellow no matter what I set the white balance to.

  2. My white balance settings come up on menu, I think under tools. When I was learning to use it, if I had time I made three settings and compared the photos. I now mostly move it when photographing in snow or when I change the ISO. Nice fat little guy. Love him and yeah, he's nice and cristp.
