Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Spare Time

...is basically nonexistent these days.

I find myself frustrated with how little time I have to spend thinking about photos and how I have even less time to shoot/edit them. I am, consequently, not pleased with what I've managed to shoot on a daily basis, but I can't exactly allow myself to flounder in that. Not if I want to be a contributing member of this Project 365 Crew!

053:365: Face Off

054:365: Ghost of Dogwood

055:365: Physalis?

056:365: Wanting In


  1. You on a bad day is me on a good day. I love the cat picture - all geometrical lines and then that alert, alive little face.

  2. Yes, the cat photo! Marvellous. And 'face off' is a winner, too. I hear you about the time - just came off the week from hell.
